Tooth decay
Tooth decay, also called dental caries, is the process in which the structure of a tooth gradually deteriorates, leading to cavities.
Pack Size:
Advanced follow-on formula for 6 to 12 months
Advanced follow-on formula for 6 to 12 months.
Infant food should be used only on the advice of a health worker as to the need for its use and the proper method of its use.
Please refer to the instructions for use and feeding table on the back of the pack to prepare the feed.
Side Effects:
Advanced follow-on formula for 6 to 12 months
Advanced follow-on formula for 6 to 12 months.
Infant food should be used only on the advice of a health worker as to the need for its use and the proper method of its use.
Please refer to the instructions for use and feeding table on the back of the pack to prepare the feed.
For the full Ingredient List, click here.
For the full Feeding Schedule, click here.
For the full Ingredient List & Feeding Schedule, click here.
Further warning/caution- Careful and hygienic preparation of infant food/infant milk substitute is most essential for health. Do not use fewer scoops than directed since diluted feeding will not provide adequate nutrients needed by your infant. Do not use more scoops than directed, since concentrated feed will not provide the water needed by your infant. Infant food is not the sole source of nourishment for an infant. After opening use the contents within 3 weeks or the expiry date, whichever is earlier.
Tooth decay, also called dental caries, is the process in which the structure of a tooth gradually deteriorates, leading to cavities.
Weak yellowing teeth refers to the condition where teeth become structurally compromised and develop a yellow discoloration
Bad breath, also known as halitosis, is an unpleasant odor that originates from the mouth, often causing social discomfort.
Iron deficiency occurs when the body lacks sufficient iron to produce an adequate amount of hemoglobin.
Post-hemorrhage refers to anemia that occurs as a result of significant blood loss. It can happen due to several reasons such as trauma, surgery, or underlying medical conditions.
The hands and feet may feel colder than the rest of the body, even in relatively warm environments. It can result from various causes, such as nutritional deficiencies, chronic diseases, or blood loss.
A cough is a sudden, forceful expulsion of air from the lungs that helps clear airways from mucus and irritants like smoke or dust. Coughs can be dry (no phlegm) or wet (wherein phlegm, i.e. thick mucus, is produced). The common causes of cough include infections, allergy, asthma, and smoking.
Asthma and allergic coughs are typically caused by swelling or irritation of the windpipe (i.e. trachea). Allergies like hay fever can cause a chronic dry cough. The common allergy-causing agents are dust, pet dander, pollen, or mould. Moreover, allergies can also worsen asthma symptoms, causing them to become severe.
The most common cause of cough due to infection is bacteria and viruses (i.e. cold and flu) The cough may last for a few days to a week. Infections caused by the flu may take a little longer to clear up and can sometimes require antibiotics.
It is the body’s way of producing the heat to tackle the cold feeling. It is more common the young children. Chills can be caused by cold temperature, viral or bacterial infection. It is also an important symptom of disease like malaria. It can occur with fever and associated with shaking or shivering. Medicines like paracetamol, ibuprofen can help in reducing fever and chills.
A fever is a temporary increase in body temperature above the normal range of 36. 1 – 37.2˚Celsius (97 – 99˚ Fahrenheit). Fever is a sign of illness and the most common causes are infections (bacteria, virus or parasite like malaria). Fever can also result from inflammation.
A pain arising from the head or upper neck of the body. It is an important presentation in malaria. The cytokine (chemicals release in the body due to infection or injury) is believed to be an important factor leading to headache in acute malaria. Headache in malaria can occur on one side or both side.
Seborrheic dermatitis is a skin condition characterized by the appearance of skin flakes on scalp, hair, eyebrows, beard, and shoulders. Common causes include irritated, oily skin or dry skin, as well as fungus infection and ecze
Itching is that crawling, tingling and sometimes burning and painful sensation that makes you want to scratch. It is also known as pruritus which means a desire to scratch. Whether it is localised i.e. in one area or generalised all over the body, it is an unpleasant and annoying sensation that anyone can experience. It is usually treated by use of antiallergic medicines.
Eczema is a chronic condition that causes the skin to become itchy, red, dry and cracked. It can affect any part of your body but eczema mostly affects the back or front of the knee, around the neck, the hands, cheeks, scalp and elbows.
Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition. It causes red, flaky and crusty patches of skin typically on the elbows, knees, scalp and lower back
Dandruff causes the scalp to flake and may cause visible flakes on clothing or in the hair. Fungal scalp infections may develop worse dandruff if they have sensitive skin or a very oily scalp. Fungus causes irritation and flakes which may be due to the way the fungus interacts with other factors. Anti-dandruff shampoo can treat many underlying causes of dandruff, including minor fungal infections.
Sun fungus is a common fungal skin infection leading to small, discolored patches on the skin. Generally, these are lighter or darker than the surrounding skin. Interestingly, it occurs more commonly in teens and young adults and commonly affects shoulders and trunk.
A fungus called Candida albicans causes yeast skin infections. It commonly occurs in warm, moist, creased areas of body, armpits and groin area.
Myalgia is the medical term for muscle pain. Pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with an injury. Pain can be sharp or dull and may come and go.
Joint pain is a symptom of myalgia. It means pain, inflammation, or discomfort in any part of the joint. The common causes of joint pain include wear and tear of joints caused by sports activities, excessive use and increasing age, and arthritis (a disease related to joint pain and swelling).
Inflammation is the body’s response to an injury. It occurs when body suffers from any injury or damage. The symptoms of inflammation are swelling, redness, pain and loss of function of the affected part. The common causes of inflammation are infections and physical injuries like scrapes or foreign objects.
These are the common injuries affecting muscles and ligaments. A sprain injures the bands of tissue that connect two bones, while in muscle strain, injury occurs to the muscle or to the band of tissue that attaches a muscle to a bone.
Intertrigo is a common skin condition that occurs because of skin-to-skin friction in warm, moist areas of the body. Commonly, this causes fungal skin infections. It can develop in the groin area, between folds of abdominal skin, under the breasts, underarms, or between toes.
Hyperhidrosis is excessive perspiration without heat or exercise. It leads to discomfort and embarrassment and disturbs routine activity. It usually affects hands, feet, underarms, or face.
It is a common contagious fungal skin infection that can occur anywhere on the body. It usually forms an itchy, circular (ring shaped) rash with clearer skin in the middle and that’s why it is named as ringworm. The common symptoms are scaly ring-shaped area, typically on the buttocks, trunk, arms and legs, which is associated with itchiness. It is treated by topical antifungal agent, which is available in the form of cream, powder or lotion.
Pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with an injury. It can be sharp or dull and it may come and go. Pain can be short lived (i.e. acute) or long lasting (i.e. chronic) and stay in one place or spread around the body. The common causes of pain include sport injuries, tooth extraction and decay, joint injury, etc.
A fever is a temporary increase in body temperature above the normal range of 36. 1 – 37.2˚Celsius (97 – 99˚ Fahrenheit). It is a sign of illness and the most common causes are infections (bacteria, virus or parasite like malaria). Fever can also result from inflammation.
It is a pain arising from the head or upper neck of the body. Headache may occur on one or both sides of the head. It can be a sharp pain, a throbbing sensation or a dull ache. The commonest causes of headache are tension (i.e. stress), migraine, common cold, flu, sinus infection, dental problems, ear infection and lack of sleep. In majority of patients, headaches can be treated with a combination of medicines and complementary therapies.
It is the common symptom of many conditions. It can be due to tiredness, exercise or underlying disease condition like common cold, flu, stress, injury, lack of sleep, viral or bacterial infection. The common symptoms include pain in a specific part of the body, weakness, fatigue, shivers or changes in body temperature, cold and flu-like symptoms. It can occur in back, shoulder, joints, legs, neck, etc.
Bloating is a buildup of gas in the digestive system that can lead to abdominal discomfort. Commonly reported by men and women of all ages. It is due to drinking carbonated beverages, eating a large meal, menstruation, constipation, or wind. It can also be caused by impaired muscle function in the digestive tract.
Also called dyspepsia or an upset stomach which produces discomfort in upper abdomen. It describes certain symptoms, such as burning sensation, bloating or gassiness, nausea or feeling full too quickly after starting to eat. It can be triggered by factors such as eating large meals, smoking, drinking, alcohol, pregnancy, stress or taking certain medications.
Heartburn is a burning pain in your chest, just behind your breastbone. The pain is often worse after eating, in the evening, or when lying down or bending over. Its frequency and interference with daily routine may be a symptom of a more serious condition that requires medical care. Common causes of heartburn are certain food and drink – such as coffee, tomatoes, alcohol, chocolate and fatty or spicy foods, being overweight, smoking, pregnancy, stress and anxiety.
Acid reflux, also known as gastroesophageal reflux (GER), is the backward flow of stomach acid into the tube that connects your throat to your stomach, called the esophagus. During an episode of acid reflux, you might feel a burning sensation in your chest, commonly called heartburn. Common causes of acid reflux are GERD, Smoking and pregnancy.
It is the formation of a sore in the stomach, small intestine and oesophagus (food pipe). The most common causes are Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) bacteria and long-term use of pain-relieving medicines.
Sinus headaches are characterized by pain and pressure in the forehead, cheeks, and behind the eyes.
Angina is chest pain caused by reduced blood flow to the heart, often described as squeezing or pressure. It may radiate to the arms or neck and is typically triggered by exertion or stress. Stable angina is predictable, while unstable angina can be more serious and requires immediate medical attention.
High blood pressure or also called as Hypertension is a condition in which the force of the blood against the artery walls is too high. Usually, hypertension is defined as blood pressure above 140/90, and is considered severe if the pressure is above 180/120. Common cause of Hypertension are kidney diseases, diabetes and family history.
Period pain, or dysmenorrhea, is characterized by cramping or aching in the lower abdomen or back. It often accompanies menstruation and can vary from dull and annoying to severe and debilitating. The pain may start with menstrual flow and typically lasts for a few days. Treatment can include over-the-counter pain relievers.
It is a pain and irritation in the throat. The most common reason is viral infections (like cold or flu) or smoking or allergies. The common symptoms are pain while swallowing, dry scratchy throat, bad breath and mild cough.
Dental pain, often a sign of underlying dental issues, can manifest as sharp, throbbing, or aching discomfort in or around the teeth and jaws. Causes may include cavities, gum disease, infection, or tooth fracture. Severity and duration can vary, and professional dental evaluation is essential for proper diagnosis and treatment.
Diarrhoea is the frequent passing of loose, and watery stool, which makes you dehydrated and feel weak. It usually lasts for few days and in serious cases it may last for more days. Commonly caused by viruses, bacteria and parasite e.g. worms and giardia (a tiny parasite), it is treated by oral rehydration salts and medicines.
Nausea is the sensation of having to vomit or having the urge to vomit. Vomiting may or may not occur as a result of nausea. Some describe the sensation of nausea as unsettled feeling in the stomach or queasiness. It is not a disease but a symptom of a variety of conditions, ranging from viral and bacterial infections to motion sickness, to food poisoning, to abscesses of the brain. Certain medications can cause nausea.
Muscle weakness happens when full effort doesn't produce a normal muscle contraction or movement. Short-term muscle weakness is common and can be caused by something as simple as a tough workout. However, persistent muscle weakness without apparent cause could indicate an underlying health condition. Common causes of muscle weakness can be lack of exercise, ageing, muscle injury or pregnancy. It can also occur with long-term conditions such as diabetes or heart disease. There are many other possible causes, which include stroke, multiple sclerosis, depression, fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome.
It is also known as productive or chesty cough. The cough sounds soupy and may come with a wheezing (difficulty breathing) or rattling sound and tightness in chest. Sometimes a wet cough will bring mucus into mouth. Most wet coughs are caused by an infection: a common cold, the flu, or post nasal drip.
A smoker's cough refers to a persistent, often harsh cough common in long-term smokers. It's characterized by a raspy sound and may produce phlegm. Caused by irritation and damage to the lungs from tobacco smoke, it can be a warning sign of chronic bronchitis or other serious lung conditions.
It is the body’s response to foreign protein (called as allergens), which are usually harmless. The common causes are certain foods (e.g. peanuts, eggs, milk and soy), airborne substance, pets, dust mites, moulds, pollen, medicines and insect bites. The common symptoms are hives, runny, itchy nose, nasal congestion, rash, sneezing and watery eyes. The treatment of includes avoiding allergens, and over-the-counter or prescription allergy medications.
Muscle strains, or pulled muscles, result from overstretching or tearing muscle fibers, causing sudden pain, soreness, limited movement, bruising, swelling, or weakness. Common in overuse or improper use of muscles, treatment usually involves rest, ice, compression, and elevation (RICE). Severe strains may necessitate medical evaluation and physical therapy.
Discomfort in the chest including a dull ache, a crushing or burning feeling, a sharp stabbing pain and pain that radiates to the neck or shoulder Severe or persistent chest pain requires immediate medical evaluation and attention. Common causes of chest pain include angina, heart attack, Pneumothorax & GERD.
Worm infections, caused by parasitic worms, may lead to symptoms like abdominal pain, diarrhea, weight loss, fatigue, visible worms in stool, or anal itching. The specific symptoms vary depending on the type of worm. Diagnosis often requires laboratory testing, and treatment involves antiparasitic medications. Hygiene practices are key in prevention.
Otitis externa is characterized by itching, scaling, flaking and redness of the outer ear canal. It is normally a reaction to allergic triggers. Common contact allergens include nickel-containing earrings and various beauty products (For example, hairsprays, lotions, hair dye).
Loss of appetite means lack of hunger or lack of desire to eat. It can occur due to illness like common cold, cancer, stomach problems, chronic pain, stomach bug, diabetes, certain medicines, nutritional deficiency, and stress. The common symptoms are fatigue or low energy, not eating favourite food, missing meals, weight loss and the treatment depends on identifying and treating the root cause of loss of appetite.
Dry skin is also known as xeroderma. It has rough texture because does not have enough moisture and develops when the skin loses water too quickly and becomes dehydrated. It has many causes including cold or dry weather, sun damage, harsh soaps, and overbathing. It can also be caused by inadequate hydration, swimming in a chlorinated pool or jobs that are rough on the hands such as mechanics or farming.
Sensitive skin often presents as redness, stinging, burning, itchiness, and general discomfort. It is also easily irritated or very reactive.
High blood sugar (Hyperglycemia) happens when there’s too much sugar (glucose) in your blood. This happens when your body has too little insulin (a hormone) or if your body can’t use insulin properly (insulin resistance). Common cause of Hyperglycemia is diabetes mellitus.
It is a feeling of tiredness or lack of energy, and it can affect anyone. It can be caused by lifestyle factors like alcohol or drug use, lack of nutrition or sleep; it can also be caused by health conditions like anemia (reduced level of hemoglobin), stress, obesity, diabetes, infections (bacteria, virus or worms) or cancer. The treatment depends on identifying and treating the root cause of fatigue.
Typical hunger cues in babies include licking lips, fussiness, sucking on everything, sticking his or her tongue out and putting his or hand into their mouth repeatedly.
Infected cuts or wounds may exhibit redness, swelling, warmth, pus or oozing discharge, and foul odor. Fever or chills and delayed healing can also be signs of infection. Prompt medical attention is essential for proper cleaning and treatment, possibly including antibiotics, to prevent the infection from spreading or worsening.
Anaemia results from a lack of red blood cells or hemoglobin, leading to fatigue, weakness, dizziness, and shortness of breath. Causes include nutritional deficiencies, chronic diseases, or bone marrow issues. Proper diagnosis and treatment, often involving dietary changes or supplements, are essential to address the underlying cause and alleviate symptoms.
Swelling is any abnormal enlargement of a body part. It is typically the result of inflammation or a buildup of fluid. Edema describes swelling in the tissue outside of the joint. Common causes of swelling include insect bites, illnesses, or injuries.
A mix of fluid and cells from the vagina that varies from whitish and sticky to clear and watery, possibly associated with an odour. Watery or white vaginal discharge with intense itchiness. If your discharge is thin and watery, or thick and white (like cottage cheese), you may have thrush. This common fungal infection causes intense itchiness and soreness around your vagina. The common causes can be fungal infection, STDs and pelvic inflammation.
Burning micturition means you feel pain or a burning sensation when you pee (urinate). Men and women of any age can experience burning micturition or also called as dysuria, but it's more common in women. Common cause of burning micturition is Urinary tract infections.
Abnormally elevated cholesterol or fats (lipids) in the blood. Dyslipidemia is the imbalance of lipids in your body such as cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), triglycerides, and high-density lipoprotein (HDL). This condition can result from diet, tobacco exposure, or genetic and can lead to cardiovascular disease with severe complications.
A common, painful condition affecting the lower portion of the spine. It is the most common type of pain for which people see a doctor. It can range from a muscle aching to a shooting, burning or stabbing sensation. The pain may radiate down the leg or worsen with bending, twisting, lifting, standing or walking. Common causes of low back pain are strain, spasm, osteoporosis.
A tingling or numb feeling is a condition called paresthesia. It's a sign that a nerve is irritated and sending extra signals. Numbness and tingling are abnormal sensations that can occur anywhere in your body, but they are often felt in your fingers, hands, feet, arms, or legs. This can be seen in conditions like peripheral neuropathy which may be due to Diabetes or deficiency of Vitamins like B12, B6.
It is also referred as muscle cramps, which is involuntary contraction and tightening of muscle. It is often caused by overuse of muscles, dehydration, electrolyte imbalance and muscle fatigue. The common symptoms are agonizing pain, twitching below the skin and cramping muscle may feel hard to touch. You can get relief from spasm by stretching and massaging the affected area, standing up and walking and by applying heat or ice. Doctors may prescribe muscle relaxant along with pain killers to relieve spasm and associated pain.
Weight loss refers to unintentional reduction in weight without changing the diet or exercise routine. It can be caused by stressful events, illness (e.g. diarrhoea, cancer), infection (e.g. worm infestation), certain medications, malnutrition or combination of these factors. You may notice fatigue, change in the fitting of your cloths or shape of face. The treatment depends on identifying and treating the root cause of unintentional weight loss.
Abdominal pain is the pain in the belly area, which is caused by problem in the gut. The common causes are digestion issues, gut injury, infection (e.g. bacteria, worms), or disease. Abdominal pain can be relieved by treating the root cause of pain. To understand this doctor will ask the detailed questions about your abdominal pain.
Bone pain is characterised as deep or penetrating pain, which is often worse at night, or during movement. It commonly affects middle aged or elderly people due to decrease in bone mineral density. It can occur due to bone fracture, overuse or repetitive movement injury, infection or sometime due to osteoporosis (brittle bone). The treatment depends on identifying and treating the root cause of bone pain.
Bleeding gums occur due to build-up of dental plaque (a sticky film of bacteria that form on the teeth). Bleeding gums are caused by poor oral hygiene, gum disease (gingivitis and periodontitis), smoking, vitamin C deficiency and conditions like diabetes, hormone fluctuations. The treatment depends on identifying and treating the root cause of bleeding gums.
This deficiency occurs when the body doesn’t get necessary amount of nutrition from food. Low income, children, illness like diarrhoea, cancer, nausea or injury and elderly are at a risk of developing nutritional deficiency. The symptom of nutritional deficiency includes low energy, weakness, weak immune system, poor sleep, irritability, weight loss, frequent infections, stunted growth, and hair loss. It is treated by nutritional supplements.
It is feeling of worry or tension caused by difficult situation in day to day life. Mild stress is helpful in adjusting to new situation however, frequent stress without relaxation leads to health problem. The symptom of stress includes high blood pressure, rapid heart rate, pain, trouble sleeping, headache, irritability, sadness and unhealthy behaviour like smoking or alcohol drinking. Stress cannot be avoided but can be managed by lifestyle changes like healthy nutritious diet, exercise, meditation and yoga. Good nutrition is an important stress management tool.
The common causes are sore nipples, not enough breast milk, breast engorgement and baby not latching properly, women with infection like HIV or tuberculosis. It can leads to slower weight gain, weak immune system and poor mother baby relation. It can be treated by relieving the underlying cause. Babies can be feed with baby formula after discussing with the health care provider.
It is some time called as failure to thrive and it can be a manifestation of medical conditions, social or environmental factors. The common symptoms are frequent crying, fussiness, missed milestones like not rolling over, sitting or walking. The common causes are premature birth, poor nutrition due to inadequate breastfeeding or inability to breastfeed, interference with child’s food access or ability to digest food, gastric reflux, or diarrhoea. Treatment depends on identifying and treating root cause of slow weight gain.
It is an inability to keep or maintain an erection during sextual intercourse. The common causes are reduced blood flow to penis, stress or emotional factors, age above 50, diabetes, high blood pressure and cholesterol level, being obese and lack of exercise. The symptoms are difficulty in maintaining or keeping erection during sextual intercourse. It can lead to low self-esteem, depression, and relationship issues. It can be treated by used of medicine and by treating underlying cause.
It is a condition wherein man ejaculates earlier (i.e. within 1 to 3 minutes of penetration) than wanted during sex. It is a common sexual complaint affecting as many as 1 out of 3 men. The main symptom is inability to delay the ejaculation for more than 3 minutes after penetration. The causes are underlying impotence, hormonal problems, early sextual experience, stress, anxiety, depression and relationship issues. It is a treatable condition, which involves use of medications, behavioural therapy and counselling.
It is the tightening in chest, air hunger, difficulty, or noisy breathing, or feeling of suffocation. The common causes are heart or lung disease, anemia (reduced hemoglobin level), obesity and exercise. The treatment depends on identifying and treating the root cause of shortness of breath.
It is also called as light-headedness, which is characterized by feeling of fainting, woozy or disoriented. The common symptoms are false sensation of motion or spinning, loss of balance or unsteadiness, or a feeling of heavy headedness. The cause of dizziness includes disorder in inner ear, anemia (reduced hemoglobin level), motion sickness, low blood pressure or sugar, head injury, neurological diseases or medication side effects. The treatment depends on identifying and treating the root cause of dizziness.
It is also called as pallor, a condition wherein skin looks lighter than typical complexion. It is commonly seen on face, lining of the eyes, inner mouth and nails. It can be caused by anemia (reduced red blood cell count), decreased blood supply to skin, or condition like shock, fainting, low blood sugar, infection, cancer, or nutritional deficiency. The treatment depends on identifying and treating the root cause of paleness. Some options are taking nutrient rich diet, taking iron, vitamin B12 or folate supplement.
Nasal congestion is also known as stuffy nose. In nasal congestion, the inner lining of nasal passages is swollen and irritated producing more mucus which leads to congestion like feeling. It is commonly caused by cold & flu, sinus infection, allergies and exposure to smoke and pollutants.
It may last for few days to a week. The common symptoms are sore throat, runny nose, congestion, cough, fever and headache. Infections due to flu may take a little longer to clear up and may require antibiotics in some cases.
It is also called as upper airway cough syndrome. Post nasal drip means dripping of mucus from back side of the nose into the throat. In post nasal drip, mucus draining down the throat which stimulates coughing, to prevent the entry of mucus into the lungs. The causes of post nasal drips are allergy, sinus infection, common cold or flu.
A muscle cramp is a sudden and involuntary contraction of one or more of your muscles. A sudden, sharp pain, lasting from a few seconds to 15 minutes, is the most common symptom of a muscle cramp. It can be caused by overuse of a muscle, dehydration, muscle strain or simply holding a position for a prolonged period. Commonly affects calf muscle, neck muscle and thigh muscles.
These are the common injuries affecting muscles and ligaments. Sprain injures the bands of tissue that connect two bones together, while in strain injury occurs to the muscle or to the band of tissue that attaches a muscle to a bone. The common causes are falls, lifting heavy objects, improper posture and overstretching. It commonly occurs in ankle, foot, wrist, thumb, knee, leg or back.
Impetigo is a bacterial infection that affects skin, causing sores and blisters. Bacteria infect the outer layers of skin, called epidermis. It most commonly affects body parts include face, arms, and legs. The infection often begins in minor cuts, insect bites, or a rash such as eczema-any place where skin is broken. It can also occur on healthy skin.
Dehydration occurs when the body doesn't have as much water as it needs. It can cause headaches, lethargy, and constipation. Common causes of dehydration include heat, excessive activity, insufficient fluid consumption, excessive sweating, diarrhea, and medication side effects.
It is also called as discoid lupus erythematosus. It commonly occurs in face and scalp and sometimes affects, palm, fingers, ears, etc. It is red, scaly and thick, may cause itching however majority of the time it does not cause any symptoms. The symptoms are aggravated when skin comes in contact with the Sun light so it is advisable to use sun screen cream.
These are also known as skin plaques. Plaques are flat or raised areas or groups of small bumps typically more than 10 millimeters (0.4 inch) in diameter. It can appear like few small spots that look similar to dandruff or it can be huge eruptions that cover larger parts of the body, like the forearms. Plaque can cause itching, burning and swelling and are most commonly associated with psoriasis. It appears most commonly on the elbows, knees, scalp and lower back.
Also known as pruritus which means a desire to scratch. Skin scales are a sign of dry skin and skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis. Scratching temporarily relieves itching but can damage the skin, sometimes results in more itching. Prolonged scratching can cause thickened and scaly skin (called lichenification). It is the common symptom of hives, dry skin, eczema, contact dermatitis and fungal skin infection.
Jock itch is a fungal skin infection that causes an itchy rash in warm, moist areas of the body. The rash often affects the groin and inner thighs and may be shaped like a ring. It is common in athletes and in people who sweat a lot. This condition can range from mild to serious. It usually clears up in 1 to 3 weeks with antifungal creams and self-care.
It refers to texture issues, blotchy skin, facial flushing, and hypopigmentation or hyperpigmentation. Many different conditions can affect the pigment cells (melanocytes) present in the skin and cause discolored patches of skin. One of the very common causes of an uneven skin tone is hyperpigmentation (dark spot). Other common causes are sun damage, acne and acne scars, hormonal changes, aging, and skin damage.
It has a rough texture because it does not have enough moisture. It develops when the skin loses water too quickly and becomes dehydrated.
Common skin concern that may lead to acne. A buildup of dirt, oil or dead skin cells can cause clogged pores. The condition is most common in people with very oily skin. Anyone of any age or gender can get clogged pores.
Most often a result of cumulative exposure to sunlight or UV lights It can happen at any time but most commonly appear in middle age. Dark spots also vary in size and can develop on any part of the body. Dark spots are often due to hyperpigmentation.
These are flat brown, gray, or black spots on the skin. Usually tan to dark brown which occurs on skin that has the most sun exposure over the years. Age spots appear when excess melanin in the skin becomes clumped together. Risk factors are being older than 40 years and frequent sun exposure
It is some time called as failure to thrive and it can be a manifestation of medical conditions, social or environmental factors. The common symptoms are frequent crying, fussiness, missed milestones like not rolling over, sitting or walking. The common causes are premature birth, poor nutrition due to inadequate breastfeeding or inability to breastfeed, interference with child’s food access or ability to digest food, gastric reflux, or diarrhoea. Treatment depends on identifying and treating root cause of slow weight gain.
The common causes are sore nipples, not enough breast milk, breast engorgement and baby not latching properly, women with infection like HIV or tuberculosis. It can leads to slower weight gain, weak immune system and poor mother baby relation. It can be treated by relieving the underlying cause. Babies can be feed with baby formula after discussing with the health care provider.
Typical hunger cues in babies include licking lips, fussiness, sucking on everything, sticking his or her tongue out and putting his or hand into their mouth repeatedly.