Seloral Oral Hydration Sachet

Seloral Oral Hydration Sachet

Pack Size:

10 X 22mg Sachets


Sodium Chloride 2.6gm + Sodium Citrate 2.9gm + Potassium Chloride 1.5 gm + Anhydrous Glucose 13.5gm Oral Rehydration salt



Seloral is useful in the prevention and treatment of mild dehydration and low electrolyte levels due to diarrhea, including infectious diarrhea.


Advisable to take 3-4 times a day as per requirement.

Side Effects:

Pack Size:

10 X 22mg Sachets


Sodium Chloride 2.6gm + Sodium Citrate 2.9gm + Potassium Chloride 1.5 gm + Anhydrous Glucose 13.5gm Oral Rehydration salt



Seloral is useful in the prevention and treatment of mild dehydration and low electrolyte levels due to diarrhea, including infectious diarrhea.


Advisable to take 3-4 times a day as per requirement.

Product Range

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Our Jejuri factory was audited and approved by Food & Drugs Authority, Ghana in 2009. Our initial operations in Ghana were limited to an import and re-export hub in Tema Free Trade Zone to service Ghana and other West African Countries.
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